

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rumor in the Red Lamp District

After spending an evening drinking and carousing in Six Rivers' Red Lamp District, you hear an interesting rumor:

"The old tower on the island in Candlemere marks a place where the boundary between this world and another has rasped thin -- and is now guarded by some sort of deadly monster."

(Candlemere is a lake adjoining the Tuskwater to the south)

You've heard far less outlandish tales from superstitious Rostlanders that have joined the kingdom. In any case, it just wouldn't do to have some kind of otherworldly incursion on the borders of your wonderful new kingdom, nor to have rumors of such floating about, it's terrible for national security.


  1. "This needs be adressed right away!"

  2. "This need be addressed right away!" (note: I can post as anonymous or as url etc. but not through my account)
