Source: Wanted poster at the Three-Breasted Nymph in the Red Lamp District of Six Rivers.
Task: Rumors of a dragon haunting the southern Narlmarches are probably (hopefully) overstated. The evidence indicates that the source of the rumors is merely a forest drake. In any event, it's killing folks and needs to be dealt with.
Completion: Find a forest drake, kill it, and return to town with its head as proof.
Alternately, the Dragonguard is always looking for new weapons to add to its arsenal. The addition of a forest drake, or a pair, could certainly turn a small kobold unit into a fearsome drake-bound shock troop.
Reward: The kingdom approves a reward of 1,200 gp to the first group to successfully slay a forest drake in the Narlmarches. A sum of 2,700 gp will be awarded to the group that can successfully coerce a drake into service to the kingdom.
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