

Thursday, August 18, 2011

First defensive wall

Dear friends and allies,
I think that the moment has come to think about building the first wall (the future inner wall) of our capital. Southwards, Eastwards and Westwards, it would be built just upon the riverbanks, which constitute a natural moat. Northwards, it would be a normal wall with two or three gates. The central gate might be the one leading straight towards the Tusk. There could be gates, of a different kind, also in the Southern, Eastern and Western parts of the first wall of the city, but they would face the rivers and the lake. This might lead to the construction of drawbridges (Eastward and Westward).
We should start showing far-sightedness and construct our first defensive wall, around the core of our new kingdom.
I hereby ask the Council and our beloved king to start the planning and the construction of our first defensive wall, provided with gates and drawbridges.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Moreover, as one of our dear allies' weaknesses is light sensitivity, I have come to the conclusion that we might kill two birds with one stone doing what follows:

    We could make our capital unique throught the use of a very particular building technique. We might build houses, palaces, shops, and all the rest, in a way that would allow having porches around every building. This would provide the Six Rivers' capital with a unique flavour and it could be also nicknamed "The City of a Thousand Porches".

    This could provide shelter to Kobolds running their errands in very bright and sunny days, and also increase the charm of the city. These porches could provide romantic passageways, a place for little local markets, or even an architectural peculiarity of our capital.

    Therefore I hereby ask the Council and our beloved King to allow the promotion of this porches-characterized building style in order to promote the Kobold cause and the beauty of our new-founded capital. The prospective CITY OF A THOUSAND PORCHES!!!

  3. I'm not totally sure what you mean by a porch, though I'm sure kobolds would appreciate the shade.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Something like this, but around the four sides of every building, around every building:


  6. Oh sure, like a veranda. A porch doesn't usuall have a roof.

  7. The (in)famous Vera ds of Six Rivers.

  8. So it has been implemented, hasn't it?
