

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ode to Chaos

An upset Quorra airs her sentiments of loneliness and despair, after the death of his two predecessors. She feels that existence seems meaningless - as she wrote in the lament for Evan - and that there must be a way to cope. She has not find it yet.

She does not turns to Pazuzu, but she understands - just think to her new alignment - that there can be no good without evil and that our lives will all end some day, for good or for ill.

This is an ode to chaos, but it ends with a heart-felt question about life and the future. She won't give up the search for a superior truth, meanwhile she can only fight for a better life for those under her reign. These are apparently meaningless words, but she's always been a free spirit and they reflect her moment of inner turmoil.

(the tune is sad, with a crescendo, ending in a slow despered whisper)

enter suicidal shadows

how hungry have we become

like animals naked in shame

fed with the hooves of apocalypse

that galloped down, disordered worlds behind

from word to a word I was led to a word

that spanned over cultures in rage

crimson masses, steeped in decadence

holding our tongues to the thirsty sun

so, is the future still open?

then enter, hornet, from our hive-dark hearts

to draw down the end from within

we need not the horns that emanate
from our warty, haunted bodies

nihilist pazuzu

the priceless art of their lives

sorrow is a wing laid atop their heads

skin deep, we carve our immeasurable sorrow

in the fold of your shivering arms

your children wild
and filled with death

in our unforgiving eyes

a pandemonium of bodies and gold

eager, as a part of your face

end the sickness attached to your skin,

as the wine-rush,

charging from androgynous wombs

to open free the lid of pain

rinsed in post-human shadows

a monument scorned by the teeth of Time

stale-faced keeper of secrets,

leaded with implosive fire

the whore that carried the apostle

to the mating point on the graves of giants

we look at you, afraid
to see what we really are.

so, is the future still open?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

New elements of strategy, short summary of what the new Baroness Regent presented to the Council

New elements of strategy, short summary of what the new Baroness Regent presented to the Council. She promised to protect the people of the Six Rivers and now thinks that the following measures need to be implemented as soon as possible to pave the way for a new stronger barony:

1) Clearing and claiming the Elven, the Dwarven and Oleg’s forts and outposts. We need strongholds to start making clear we are not playing with bricks. We are building a strong state. These 3 outposts, already built and ready, are a vital steps forward towards security, strength and the defence of our outermost borders.

2) Council reshuffle. We need to appoint a new Riverwarden - Kesten is now the New Lord Protector of Tatzlford - a strong warrior, a fierce fighter, a stern and stark bulwark against enemies, spies and foes. Guess whom J?

3) We need to honour the memory of our Second Baron, Clovis I the Brave, with a monument.

4) The Baroness Regent engages herself to send emissaries to Restov’s Elvish settlements, with which she had already dealt in the past, to invite them to the Six Rivers, inhabit and tame our woodlands and to enrich the skills, the qualifications and the culture of our barony.

5) Create the title of Grand Wizard of the Six Rivers (or a similar title) and appoint Leonidas who proved his worthiness in battle.

6) Write down a draft constitution to establish new rules and defend our liberties.

I urge upon the Council to give an opinion and implement these measures if they are found to be viable and effective.

Tatzlford’speech of the Baroness Regent of the Six Rivers

Dear citizens of Tatzlford and the Six Rivers, dear friends,

Our beloved and sorely missed Baron Clovis I is no more, another beacon of hope sent to
gather the lonely, the forgotten, the deserted, but also the brave, the bright
and the strong, is gone.

Nonetheless, we have to carry on.

I call upon you all – humans, kobolds, dwarves – and all the other races making up our kingdom to pitch in, stand up together. We are fighting spies, foes, enemies, prejudices and fears. We are fostering hope for peaceful development and a better life.

I bear my share of mistakes and I have learnt a lesson from what happened to Tatzlford a few weeks ago. This scar will remain carved in our memories and our souls. But not in vain. Now Tatzlford has strong stone walls built with the sweat of our welcome, industrious new friends: the dwarves. They are new life blood for the kingdom. As humans were at its beginning and kobolds just after them.

To seal the rebirth of Tatzlford, I give you a leader, a strong and firm hand, who can
protect you and make sure nothing bad happens again. I give you Captain Kesten
Garess, the noble new Lord Protector of Tatzlford.

(cheers, applauses)

So here we stand despite foes and hindrances, monsters and casualties. I urge upon you all to do your best to honour the promise of a better life. Much has been done: equal rights, freedoms of many kinds, low taxation. But even more remains to be done. It won’t be for now, it won’t be for tomorrow, but the work will get done. We will deliver, my fellow citizens, my kin.

As your Baroness Regent, your Bard, the head of the Academy, and most of all, your fellow Riverling, I promise to honour my people, to work for the common good, and to make new steps forward towards the establishment of a strong, healthy, wealthy and free barony for all those that can and want to embrace our values.

Let us now celebrate the rebirth of Tatzlford remembering those that we lost, but looking forward to better days to come.

May Erastil, Pazuzu and the other Gods of ours bless our kingdom.

May diversity make us stronger.

Because here we still stand, confident and strong.

Together as one!

Do sleep Sweet Baron, do rest now (Quorra's lament for the late Clovis I)

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? — To die, to sleep.

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to, — 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wished.

This consummation is now yours to be savoured.

Do sleep Sweet Baron, do rest now.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,

The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,

The insolence of office, and the spurns

That patient merit of the unworthy takes.

None of these are now yours to be suffered.

Do sleep Sweet Baron, do rest now.

I knew him, Riverlings, I did know him! A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath saved me a thousand times from harrowing death but where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your songs? Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?

I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises, and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory.

This most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave overhanging firmament, this majestic roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me then a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.

What a piece of work was Clovis! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form, in moving, how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of his swordplay! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

Do sleep Sweet Baron, do rest now.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

7th Level

The numbers have been calculated....

You are all just below 7th level.  You probably ought to level up your characters.

One good thing of fighting (and killing) like 30 trolls - you get a lot of experience.

Too bad you can't seem to take care of the problem.

Violent Reprisals

3 Kuthona 4711

News comes from Tatzlford, in the form of a battered Loy Rezbin,  two-days after our illustrious heroes return from their second sortie to the troll stronghold:

Two trolls attacked the burgeoning village in the night.  Killing and maiming easily 50 of our people.  They attacked from two directions; those who fled the first troll ran headlong into the second.  The vile giants finally retreated after the townsfolk rallied against them, without a concentration of Riverwardens or Dragonguard in the city, the response was horribly slow.

Rezbin reports directly to the council:

His torn clothing and injuries make it abundantly clear that not even the founder/mayor of the small hamlet was spared.   Fatigue wears at his eyes and face.

"Those who fled the first onslaught were mostly women and children.  The weakest among us were the majority of casualties...

"The second troll waded into the midst of them, crushing skulls and bodies with every deafening swing."

His grief is unmistakable.  It quickly turns to anger,

"Months have passed since Tatzlford was founded.  Months!  And though you promised support from Six Rivers, there has been none since we established the city.  Nothing! While Six Rivers continues to grow, there's not even a suitable tavern or inn to speak of in Tatzlford!  Much less a guard post that could have alerted us!"

His tirade is cut by a heavy cough. Black spittle decorates his lower lip - evidence that the villagers used fire to combat the troll threat.  Perhaps too much fire, as you notice his singed eyebrows and bandaged hands.

 "I do not forget the lumberjacks who helped us clear away the forest.  But cleared lands means nothing against trolls and their ilk.  We demand improvement of Tatzlford.  Something, anything, to defend our people from such attacks!"

(Unrest increases by 2 as news spreads that your sorties against the trolls have inspired such a reprisal)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Current members of the High Council

As of 2 Kuthona 4711,

Swordlord Clovis I, Baron
Councilor Svetlana Leveton, Voice of the Six Rivers
Dragon of War, Chief Sootscale, General of the Dragonguard
Napnik, Grand Ambassador
Jhod Kavken, High Priest of Erastil
Brewmaster Orric, Royal Alchemist
Ranger Pyotr, Warden
Korbal Knuckle, Royal Executioner
Quorra, the Bard of the Six Rivers
Leonidas, the Royal Counter-of-Coins
Captain Kesten Garess, Riverwarden

The 5th Dragonguard, the Trollburners

2 Kuthona 4711

To the Trollburners!!!

The three dragonguard that ventured out to battle the enemies of our nation at the side of our noble Baron and his illustrious comrades, are to be lauded for their bravery against terrible odds, their ferocity in combat against the foulest of beasts, and supreme loyalty to our most righteous Swordlord, Clovis I.

The training of these three dragonguard and their unquenchable dragon spirit salvaged victory from near disaster.  The names of our brethren shall be forever immortalized, heroes in the hearts of the people:

Dragonguard Sarrek, of the Sootscale
Dragonguard Kazzek, of the Sootscale
Dragonguard Kirrik, of the Mossclaw

And to our fallen, may their wings spread wide and catch the air in the halls of the dragonlords.

Sergeant Nettek, of the Sootscale
Dragonguard Likrik, of the Mossclaw
Dragonguard Kennek, of the Sootscale

Following their most humbling service, the 5th Dragonclaw shall henceforth be yclept, The Trollburners!

-Dragon of War, Chief Sootscale

Monday, September 19, 2011

Neutrality and Neutrality

There's something wrong in the ether. I think we should be bolder. It isn't the neutrality of the state, because even that can bring as much satisfaction, roleplaying wise. If we played that like Swiss for instance, or even better, as some financial paradise where all the poor persecuted corrupted of other states come to.

It might be many more things besides that:

- Chaotic evil state of Demons. As Evan predicted.
- Enslaving Lawful Evil state that bows to say Nidal or Cheliax or both. Destroy the legacy of Evan.
- Taken over by pure paladins and clerics of lawful good divinities. Fighting all that is evil inside and outside.
- Surreal Dreamland. Desna and all that. Devoted to threading the tissue of dreams and make the barrier between dreams and reality thinner. (I like this one) Might accomodate priests of Luck, artists in general, and secretive people like spies and so on. All surrounded by mysts and veils.
- The Whispering State. Tyranny of Undeads! (I love this one) Or why not just 'state of undeads'. We've got a start already with the undead that ride in the south of the Greenbelt.
- Magocracy!
- Witches Kingdom. Where people is superstitious and we play hags!

In short, we should be less neutral.

I'm not saying that it's boring if we go on like this, but a little more direction might be fun if we work that out together... (read: it's getting a fucking neutral flavorless boring state if we don't put some new ideas in it).

The downside is that with a project like the ones on the list, we might just end up arguing over how it is done and who's to do what, since we seem to all have pretty clear ideas of what we want and so on. So that'd require a little flexibility.

Or we might even leave it like this and split it among the players, like, a confederation. 'The ministry of Economy comes from Secretive County just met the Baron, which like everyone knows comes from Noble County (read, unstoppable party freaks taldorians)'.
Of course that would require a Federal Constitution, which is per se interesting.
Tell me what you think.
It might have Six Counties.

Actually, this is probably the best option, because it'll leave enough room for new characters concepts. Another option is to be more loose, like with a city that does this and another that does that. Like Tatzelfort can accomodate the three wizs I made and become a sort of City of Mages in the long run, and so on.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Reluctant King

In the wake of their loss of Evan I and the recent scandals and disasters hitting the Barony, it was only normal that the citizenry turn to their new Baron for guidance, and hope for the future.

However, since his inauguration, Clovis I has been conspicuous by his absence.
Continually pursued by stewards and councillors to deal with dull affairs of state when he would rather be dueling or womanising or exploring the wilderness Clovis plays a game of cat and mouse with them and is passing less and less time at his duties.

The kingdom is suffering for his lack of leadership...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Evan's Speeches: "On Bravery and the Six Rivers"

Another of Evan's speeches, which he had translated to many languages and told by bards to be spread well outside the borders of the Green Belt.

“There is among you some who feel something is there over the horizon, something more you long to. Just like Pazuzu’s High M’Vania city encompasses the whole Abyss and opens on all dimensions in the Multiverse, and the brave and courageous fly to him, so you watch out the window and know that there is something out there that you can’t even imagine yet.
Someone escapes the role that his society had in store for him; someone suspects that there is whole world out there, beyond the ancestral traditions that have shaped his mentality and his behaviour: these things have influenced you, but they can’t pin you to the ground, they can’t quench the desire to know more. These people are called Adventurers, they’re called Individuals.
Some of you know that there is something else. Beyond the next plundering a city with your fellow Goblins, beyond the lofty perfect castles where your ancestor Elves have lived forever in harmony, beyond the darkness of the World Beneath, beyond the walls of the castles where you and your siblings are the new scions of a long Human bloodline.
Some thriving few feel the pull of adventure, feel the lure of discovery, the thirst to find out: some have the will to realise something that is entirely their own creation.
Listen to your Inner Voice! Stoke the flames of Hubris and let them fly you wherever they might lead you. Follow one of the Six Rivers and come to our Blessed City, where fellows do not adapt, but rather bring their bravery and their audacity!”

Demonology 101 - Evan's Speech on the Abyss

When courting disaster, why not going for all kind of strange?
Evan sent out a not so secret invitation, in the form of a speech to be rewritten and transmitted through bards (recounting the deed of the ‘Speech of the Abyss’ or ‘Addressing the Abyssal Forces’), inviting many followers of Abyssal obedience to join the Six Kingdom under a new face of the Demonic.
Some glaring omissions, like that of Lamashtu, are easily understood.

“I have no qualm about proclaiming that Pazuzu is King of the Abyss, and that this does not stand on wanton glory, but on solid ground and the air above it. It will prove True by itself, and I have no fear of those who put their faith in other Abyssal lords.
Rather the contrary, I dare you to step out in the open and join the Six Rivers, bringing your abyssal wisdom and the domains and quirks of your patron with you. The wisdom of Demon Lords such as Abraxas, lord of the Final Incantation, whose tomes inspire strange horrors to the minds of wizards; Jubilex, faceless lord of Sloth and Oozes, whose shapeless bulk is filled with men-sized red eyes that care nothing for what they witness; Kabriri shroud-gnawer, lord of secrets kept by the dead in strange catacomb libraries; Haagenti the Whisper Within, who answers alchemists prayers and shifts the thousand chambers of changing Cerebullim; Nocticula, lord of assassins and lust, first succubus, who has three tails and rune covered wings; her brother, Socothbenoth, he which sates all hunger, breaker of taboos and inspirer of perversions; Zura vampire queen, cannibal most despotic that is both friend and enemy of Urguthoa; Orcus ram-headed, prince of Undeath, whose bleak realm of natural desolation rewards with hideous sights the countless thanatonic giants that dwell in it and revel in endless civil war; Areshkgal, faceless sphinx, whose serpent tail whispers obscure riddles to those who step through portals.

The rules are simple:

- We do not harm the people of the Six Rivers. Your fury shall fall on enemies of the Nation;
- We bring the strange beauty of Abyssal horrors and the weird notions that blow with a thousand hungry winds: we shall not be brush in our ways. We respect and even admire the beauty and light that we are so much removed from, and commune with and even help out the Chaotic gods of Good; the most weird compromise is not alien to us, interbreeding is our bread, and the light does not scare us. The schemes of the Abyss shall be alien even to us and filled with complexity, as the Abyss is complex, and not simplistic.
- We help each other against threats from outside the Realm, especially against devils and their minions”.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Evan I, Dread King - The Werewolf

14 Neth 4711

"Behold! This statue is raised in honor of our fallen King, may his exploits never be forgotten!"

The girl runs to touch the hand. “He’s so pale, is he well?”
“He’s dying,” says the man near the statue.
“Where are they?”
They’ve gone to bait the foul monster upon themselves. The beast most vile that was killing our people.”
“So they dress as shepherds, and wait in a vale with the shepherd's charges. Hounds amongst the Flock.”
They bide the two soldiers that accompany them to hide, so that the beast can’t harm them.”.
They wait. Our King is furious: he wants vengeance on this monster that has touched his citizens. He’s so furious that the grass dries out, the shadows skitter away and hide around the corners. Even the Moon hesitates as to whether she should take a step further along her path”.
Soon enough, the beast arrives. It’s but a shadow in the distancet, and then, all of a sudden, he’s there in front of them, jumping at them, mouth full of blood and teeth!”
Our King’s fury is such that his eyes regurgitate power; his body glows the dark red of Abyssal might. The sheep’s blood curdles and their wool falls: the animals don’t even notice the werewolf… they fall to the ground and pretend they’re dead. The grass retreats into the ground. A wind raises: the air itself has fled this place. The Baron is ready to make the beast taste the wrath that is its due. But Clovis steps forward and enters a duel with the monster. Reason against pure predatory instinct.”
“What’s a duel?”
Single combat. He knows that the Lord will not interrupt it. He’ll leave him to fight the beast alone, he’ll respect the wish of his friend to fight. And so, with eyes of live coals, he watches them fight.”
And why would Clovis do that?”
Because he wants to tame the beast, with the flat of his sword. He knows that he can tame the monster without killing it. Because he’s merciful. And he wants to bring the monster to the Justice of the Six Rivers. He knows that if the beast meets the fury of the King, it’ll be dead before it can exhale.”
But the beast is vile, and stupid, and does not recognise his saviour. As it’s killed two of our compatriots, he turns to Clovis with a snarl and attacks in the most vicious way.
Clovis goes to great lengths to only bruise, which proves hard, for the monster is jumping around like a devil. Eventually the animal finds an opening in a gesture of the counsellor, and reaches out to break his arm. The arm twists, Clovis lets go of his sword. The beast slashes at the councillor. Flesh is torn apart, bones are notched, a river of blood fills the ground”
“Like in the statue!” screams the child.
The girl has gone pale: she grips the hand of the statue.
Indeed! Merciful Clovis lies on the ground, and the Monster has just killed the one who tried to save him from the horror that is the fury of the King”.
The men come out of the hiding. They are mad with pain, disrupted at the sight of the vileness. They are no more afraid of the Monster. One takes the body of Clovis away from the battlefield. Another even unsheathes his sword and attacks the animal!”
But the soldier hasn’t even touched his sword, when a worse fate befalls the beast. Our Lord is falling on him, like a thousand demons, like a ton of bricks. Like fate itself running its course. With the first blow, the monster is broken like an egg and blown away: each and every bone of his body cracks with a violent snap; for every citizen he’s killed he feels the pain of a thousand hells. His eyes fly out of their orbits, its teeth explode out of its mouth, its bowels fly over the whole plain behind it. Before it even touches the ground, the monster wishes it was never born.”

The whole crowd cheers.

“The King didn’t kill it though. The monster is on the ground and it’s crawling like a worm, blood and flesh as much laying on the ground around it as attached to its quivering body. It’s trying to escape; the baron has stayed his hand and his fury.”
“Why did he do that?!” screams a man from behind
To respect the will of his dying friend. He wanted the monster alive, to be brought to Justice. Even from beyond the grave, the hand of merciful Clovis has spared the life of the creature”.
And so our Baron takes the beast and chains it, and goes to his fallen friend. Clovis knows he’s dying, and what are his last words? “Take care of our Citizens”. He’s resisted death that long to leave that last message to our King. As the words cut his teeth, he passes out”.
The girl is crying now, silently, as she watches the bard.
But death itself hasn’t taken the fury of our King into account! With but a side glance, our king make the slashes on Clovis’ body run in fear: they slither away like serpents, fall on the grass and hide themselves under the soil, daring not a glance. With a single gesture, the King grabs the spirits of death, already crowding round merciful Clovis, and throws their grasping forms in the Abyss, which eats them whole. The stars have stopped their course and watch the Dread King, trembling. The moon cannot continue on its path out of fear.”
It’s true! The stars seemed to tremble that night” screams a child. The bard nods.
Merciful Clovis is alive. He opens his eyes and what are his first words? “Relent, milord, do you want the Moon to be frozen there for the next year? What will the farmers do without her? The fishermen? The miners?”
That’s what he says.”
And so the King is appeased by his friend’s quips. The sky returns ever so hesitantly to its nightly path. And the Dread King, Clovis and the men come back to celebrate, with the chained beast as cartload behind.”     

Oleg Leveton steps down

4 Neth 4711

Embarrassed by the adulterous affair between himself and the Bard of Six Rivers, Oleg Leveton announces his withdrawal from the ruling council of Six Rivers and his position as Royal Treasurer. 

Svetlana has made no move to follow her shamed husband into retirement.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Academy Quorra of the Six Rivers

3 Neth 4711

“The Academy Quorra of the Six Rivers”
(if nobody objects, I would like to
call the academy after my humble self)

What is new?

Quorra gives up the Draconic classes
and appoints 2 teachers (a human and a kobold) at the Academy to do this. These
classes remain free of charge and open to everybody.

Quorra uses the time she previously used
to allocate to the teaching of the Draconic language, to the training of the
Dragon Scouts
. She personally wants to make sure they are very stealthy and
able to carry out their future missions.

Quorra makes sure that at the Academy
there are also free music lessons
open to beginners, even though the advanced courses are not free of charges.
Nevertheless, every year the 3 most talented playe
rs among the beginners (who
attend free lessons) can get access to advanced lessons with grants.

Good night sweet Baron

29 Pazan 4711

He should have died hereafter;

There would have been a time for such a word.

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day

To the last syllable of recorded time,

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

And then is heard no more: it is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Brewmaster Orric

17 Pazan 4711
"Greetings, lords, my name is Orric, I am part of a fledgling brotherhood of Dwarves. We hail from a hall in Eagle's Watch, atop Mount Veshka. It is at this mountain, the highest northern point in the nation of Brevoy, that we have toiled to coax rare reagents from the hardy shrubbery and rocks near the mountain's peak. I have fought the creatures who inhabit the airless slopes of Mount Veshka, cracking skulls with my trusty warhammer just as I crack open rocks and the like to access the ores and stranger components within. The strength of dwarven ales is a fact known across all Golarion, however, I seek a stronger and purer blend of malt, hops, and clear mountain spring water, perhaps augmented with certain reagents I have found in my travels, to create a truly unique, and indisputably superior brew. I have left my brethren upon hearing of your exploits to the south. I simply cannot stand idly by whilst history is made, and new, perhaps reagent-rich regions are uncovered! As such, I hope to offer you, lords of the Southern Kingdom, my abilities as both a cunning, resourceful combatant, and also as a brewmaster of some repute and ingenuity. Should you deign to take me on as a retainer, lords, I should be truly grateful."

Orric is a naturally hardy dwarf, ready to jump into the melee should his aid be required, but equally happy to sit back and lob powerful explosives. In terms of his pitch towards the nation-builders, he hopes to offer them the opportunity of producing a superior batch of ales using his skills, in the hope that they may be exported to surrounding kingdoms, thus creating another form of cashflow to the fledgling kingdom. With time, Orric hopes his scheme, indeed, his passion, will be indulged by the lords Clovis, Evan and Quorra, perhaps with the eventual construction of a dual-purpose brewery-temple to Cayden Cailean the drunken god. Orric considers the construction of such an edifice to be truly the mark of a kingdom on its way to mastery of the surrounding environment, not to mention the potential tourism and export funds that his brewery-monastery would be likely to attract.

(Picture to be modified as needed)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Introducing the Dragonguard: 4th Experimental Cavalry

16 Lamashan Pazan 4711

The kobolds of the Dragonguard, now organized into a cohesive military unit with a sprawling kingdom to defend against creatures much bigger than themselves, the ingenuitive kobolds have started implementing tactics and weapons-of-war to counter their diminutive size...

Welcome the 4th Experimental, Antler Cavalry!

Relatively common in the untamed Greenbelt of Mounted two to each elk, the animal provides a mobile platform able to negotiate the forests of the Narlmarches. In addition, their herd-mentality makes combat maneuvers easier to accomplish.

At least, that's the theory...

The kobold trainers are still having problems with aggressive males, especially during the rutting season. More than a few kobolds have been brutally injured by stomping elk and the sharp antlers of the bulls.

Mounted two to each elk, shield and lance in front, crossbow or wand behind, the unit has had some success as scouts and skirmishers especially when negotiating the thickly forested Narlmarches.

The Calendar on Golarion

Time travels on Golarion much as it does here on our own Earth. Years are broken up into twelve 30-day months.

The current date is 16 Lamashan 4711 AR (Absalom Reckoning).

Days of the Week
The days of the week are as follows. Each day has a general purpose that most people in the Inner Sea region follow.

Day General Purpose
Moonday (Work, religion [night])
Toilday (Work)
Wealday (Work)
Oathday (Work, pacts signed, oaths sworn)
Fireday (Work)
Starday (Work)
Sunday (Rest, religion)

The months in Golarion correspond to our own, with each new year starting shortly after the solstice. You'll notice that the name of each month is etymologically tied to a specific god—residents of Golarion see the gods reflected in the changing of the seasons, and their names for the months reflect this. (Gozreh's month, for instance, is a time of budding and new life, while Zon-Kuthon's is seen as the death of the old year.) Holidays in a given month are generally tied to their patron deity. In order, the months are:

Abadius (January)
Calistril (February)
Pharast (March)
Gozran (April)
Desnus (May)
Sarenith (June)
Erastus (July)
Arodus (August)
Rova (September)
Lamashan (October)
Neth (November)
Kuthona (December)

Source: "Time on Golarion." paizoblog.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Physical Descriptions

If you get a chance, comment or make a new post with the physical description of your character. We know quite a bit about Quorra already, but a lot has changed in the last year and a half. (Scars, divine markings, alignment even!)

Also, include your ages!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Canvas in the Hall of the Castle

A few men walk into the main hall of the castle, carrying the huge frame of a canvas hidden by a cloth. Two of them go take ladders and hold them steady while the others fix the frame to the wall.

As soon as they're finished, a counselor speaks to the little crowd convened for the occasion and, soon thereafter, pulling a cordon, unveils the painting.

The canvas represents Evan, on a hill adjoining the Tuskwater, early in the morning, facing sunrise. At his back, the lake and a hint to the Tusk, before the Nation was built around it.

People shout out and cheer.

'It's him! It's our King!'

Level 6

You've attained level 6! (you're actually all just under 25,000 - but this way is better).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Drunken tales I

Sven Waldar, a regular at the Three-Breasted Nymph has been spreading a tale concerning a lone giant wandering about south of the kingdom: "A brutish hill giant has been seen wandering the southern Kamelands. Give him a wide berth (or a stiff drink), and he'll leave you alone."

The aside about a stiff drink doesn't surprise you, Sven is reputed to have a nose for spirits.


Source: Wanted poster at the Three-Breasted Nymph in the Red Lamp District of Six Rivers.
Task: Shambling mounds aren't as common in the Greenbelt as they are in Hooktongue Slough, but they're not unheard of. A local herbalist, Kriek Greengums, has found that the sap of a shambling mound works wonders for cultivating certain medicinal herbs, and asks for one shambling mound's worth of sap.
Completion: Deliver the sap to Kriek the herbalist.
Reward: The herbalist can pay 600 gp for the sap along with 3 potions of cure moderate wounds.

Xp Update - Part 2, Session III

Clovis: 17361
Evan: 17361
Quorra: 17887

Everyone is now level 5.

23,000 xp for 6th level.  Gotta find more bad guys!

Troll Sightings II: Tiressia

The wind whispers through the branches and Tiressia's soft voice enters your ears in the calm of the night: "trolls have been pushing ever deeper into the Narlmarches. Violence and death follow swiftly on their heels. The trolls seem content to leave the forest be, but any humanoids in their path are much less lucky. I know not their number but they come further northeast with every passing day."

Friday, August 19, 2011

NEW Xp tracking thread

EVAN, The First: ...
QUORRA: 9526

Northern Howls

Source: Wanted poster at the Three-Breasted Nymph in the Red Lamp District of Six Rivers.
Task: A ferocious worg stalks the Kamelands! His name is Howl-of-the-North-Wind, and he's been eating bandits and hunters for years. With the new influx of citizens into the Greenbelt, the ravenous worg needs to be slain before he acquires a taste for the citizenry!
Completion: Kill the worg and display his body in town for the citizens too see.
Reward: The kingdom approves a reward of 1,200 gp to the heroes who slay Howl-of-the-North-Wind.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Six Rivers' motto

I think
that this could be a way to send a message anywhere out there to those
searching for a new homeland. A place that could offer a lot provided that some
core principles are respected and upheld.

The Six Rivers Kingdom’s motto:

Unity, Equality, Opportunity.


Our kingdom is founded on the idea that different races, religions and ways of
life can coexist. No official ruling race, no religion, no fanaticism, no
sects. True neutrality is a mean of stressing the importance of unity: what
matters is not what could be the distinctive feature of a citizen (race,
religion, gender, age), but their behaviour and what they can offer to the
common welfare. This is the first building block of the Six Rivers.


There can be no unity without equality. The Human-Kobold alliance, with a
Halfling as a king, is proof of the Six Rivers’ faith in diversity. Equality means
equal opportunities. Each and every citizen has the same rights and the same
rules to follow. This is the second building block of the Six Rivers.


Unity and Equality pave the way to opportunity. The Six Rivers practices low
taxation and welcomes any foreigner who has anything to offer to the common
good and the industry to conceive, plan and create. The new state is open to
significant contributions and ready to embrace new races, religions, and
settlers of any kind. This is the third building block of the Six Rivers.

I hereby ask the Council and our beloved king to discuss this motto and see if
it can be perfected or approved.

First defensive wall

Dear friends and allies,
I think that the moment has come to think about building the first wall (the future inner wall) of our capital. Southwards, Eastwards and Westwards, it would be built just upon the riverbanks, which constitute a natural moat. Northwards, it would be a normal wall with two or three gates. The central gate might be the one leading straight towards the Tusk. There could be gates, of a different kind, also in the Southern, Eastern and Western parts of the first wall of the city, but they would face the rivers and the lake. This might lead to the construction of drawbridges (Eastward and Westward).
We should start showing far-sightedness and construct our first defensive wall, around the core of our new kingdom.
I hereby ask the Council and our beloved king to start the planning and the construction of our first defensive wall, provided with gates and drawbridges.

Troll Blood

Source: Wanted poster at the Three-Breasted Nymph in the Red Lamp District of Six Rivers.
Task: A local kobold alchemist has a theory that trolls' blood can serve as a catalyst during the creation of healing potions. But until he gets a supply of the blood, his theory will rest just that.
Completion: Deliver a waterskin filled with troll blood to the alchemist. He doesn't need more than one waterskin, so one troll donor should do the trick.
Reward: Krakil the alchemist promises a reward of 1,200 gp in potions (hunters' choice), deliverable about a week after the blood is brought to him.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tech issue

I'm trying what I can do / can't do from this account. It seems I can post a new message (like this one) but I can't comment on any (including this one).

Evan the First

Forest Drake Hunt

Forest Drake Pictures, Images and Photos
Source: Wanted poster at the Three-Breasted Nymph in the Red Lamp District of Six Rivers.
Task: Rumors of a dragon haunting the southern Narlmarches are probably (hopefully) overstated. The evidence indicates that the source of the rumors is merely a forest drake. In any event, it's killing folks and needs to be dealt with.
Completion: Find a forest drake, kill it, and return to town with its head as proof.
Alternately, the Dragonguard is always looking for new weapons to add to its arsenal. The addition of a forest drake, or a pair, could certainly turn a small kobold unit into a fearsome drake-bound shock troop.
Reward: The kingdom approves a reward of 1,200 gp to the first group to successfully slay a forest drake in the Narlmarches. A sum of 2,700 gp will be awarded to the group that can successfully coerce a drake into service to the kingdom.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Troll Sightings

Your faithful Warden (Perhaps a more complete title is in order), Pyotr, has sent a report back to the council explaining that there have been troll sightings in the south of the kingdom. He has sent a messenger directly to you, but expects the rumors to flood the rest of the kingdom in the span of a few days.

Monday, August 15, 2011

13 Months

You've all had about thirteen months downtime (minus the stress of running a kingdom) and can have carried outcome side projects during the past year+ (whether that be crafting items, writing memoirs, playing music, designing spells, research, creating potions, etc.)

Comment with your ideas and proposals!

Rumor in the Red Lamp District

After spending an evening drinking and carousing in Six Rivers' Red Lamp District, you hear an interesting rumor:

"The old tower on the island in Candlemere marks a place where the boundary between this world and another has rasped thin -- and is now guarded by some sort of deadly monster."

(Candlemere is a lake adjoining the Tuskwater to the south)

You've heard far less outlandish tales from superstitious Rostlanders that have joined the kingdom. In any case, it just wouldn't do to have some kind of otherworldly incursion on the borders of your wonderful new kingdom, nor to have rumors of such floating about, it's terrible for national security.
The Dragonguard!

A potential emblem (thanks to Kobold Quaterly).

Saturday, July 2, 2011

King Maker, Take Two

Greetings lordlings.

I'd like to use Blogspot to continue the Adventure Path.